Category: Major Traffic Violations

Best DUI Lawyer in Scottsdale

How much does a misdemeanor DUI cost in Arizona?

Getting a DUI in Arizona can be very expensive. Between fines, fees, costs of getting an interlock installed on your vehicle, mandatory classes and other miscellaneous costs—it is not cheap. We know it’s not cheap, but how much does a DUI actually cost? The answer is, it depends on a lot of different factors. I’ll break it

Will My License Be Suspended If I Am Charged With a DUI?

****attention – Arizona Dui Laws Have Changed As Of January 1, 2023.*** Many articles that you read relating to DUI laws in Arizona may not be up to date or accurate. Attorney Steven Scharboneau played a key role in the passage of these new laws and even drafted the language to reform Arizona’s DUI laws.

Holiday DUI Task Force Season and Why You Should Care

The holidays are right around the corner and along with all the cheer and stress that comes with the season are law enforcement agencies coming out in droves in search of suspected drunk drivers. Make no mistake, it is hunting season. Law enforcement agencies will be partnering with one another, and also with the Governor’s

Time Limits for Filing Criminal Charges in Arizona

Should the government have an unlimited amount of time to try to prosecute you? I think that most of us can agree that the answer is no. This is true for many reasons, but the overarching reason is because it just wouldn’t be fair. For example, what if an innocent person was accused of committing

The Fourth Amendment & Traffic Stops (Understanding RAS / PC)

We have all seen the videos online where a person is pulled over for a traffic violation and escalates the situation by being unreasonably difficult, citing the Fourth Amendment as the right to do so. But is the Fourth Amendment really a license to not comply with law enforcements requests? The answer is yes and

Is Reckless Driving Really a Crime?

The answer is, yes. It’s a class two misdemeanor, which can carry penalties up to 4 months in jail and a $750 fine (although fines can dramatically increase after statutory surcharges). In addition to this, a conviction of Reckless driving can have negative consequences regarding your driver’s license. Arizona is a state that has criminalized a

How to Get an Arizona DUI Charge Dismissed or Reduced

Facing Arizona DUI charges can be stressful on you and your entire family. Besides the penalties that can come with a DUI conviction, including jail time, interlock requirements, license suspensions, fines/fees, and others—some folks will also face other collateral consequences outside of the courtroom. These can include things like loss of employment and/or professional license

About the Author – Criminal Defense Lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona

Steven Scharboneau is an Arizona attorney practicing criminal defense law and is also a lobbyist with deep roots in the Phoenix Metro area. While he primarily practices in the area of Arizona criminal law, he also practices in other areas where the opportunity to represent the accused presents itself. Beyond the courtroom, Steven advocates for Arizonans impacted by the criminal justice system by working to change Arizona’s criminal laws. Protecting the rights of others from government intrusion is Steven’s passion in life.

This blog is intended to offer explanations of criminal laws and discuss general and basic legal concepts in Arizona. If you have questions or comments specific to a blog entry, feel free to contact me. Nothing on this site is to be construed as legal advice nor to establish an attorney client relationship. If  you would like  more information regarding  your specific situation, you can contact me 24/7 at (480) 363-0090 or through the Contact Me page on this site.